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This is a revolution, of both thought and sound. The Nation of Ulysses is unmatchable by any band ever; they have created a dialectic, a movement, and a youthful assault of the mind and senses. Like Greek to a Caucasian child, most will never understand even partially the spirit that lurks in these movements for it is about something higher than mere music. There is something that moves beyond the lingoes of "The Aspirin Kid" Ian Svenonious, the complicated scriptures that fill the liner notes, the infamous reputations of insane and overwhelming live performance.
N-Sub Ulysses
A Comment On Ritual
The Hickey Underworld
Perpetual Motion Machine
N.O.U. Future-Vision Hypothesis
50,000 Watts Of Goodwill
Maniac Dragstrip
Last Train To Cool
Mockingbird, Yeah!
Depression III
S.S. Exploder
The Kingdom Of Heaven Must Be Taken By Storm.