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“There's a huge commonality between what we're interested in.” Roger Eno
“These pieces are very Impressionistic and very much to do with sonic quality, sonic colour.” Brian Eno
Roger Eno and Brian Eno, together and individually among the foremost innovators in experimental ambient music, will release their first album on Deutsche Grammophon : "Mixing Colours". Brian and Roger Eno have revolutionized many concepts of music production and performance, from pioneering treatments of pop music by Brian Eno to younger brother Roger Eno’s ambient synth/piano recordings reminiscent of Erik Satie. These qualities resonate on this new release. Each brings his unerring sense of place and mood to the album. The timbre in each title deepens and opens up with each listening. Specific yet abstract titles guide listeners through the collection created over several years in a unique collaboration by both artists. The result is deep-dive listening and landscapes of sound bearing titles like abstract art: This debut DG release will reach a wide new audience still unfamiliar with their artistry.
The poetic and ambient anthology reveals two celebrated ambient musicians at the height of their artistry.
01. Spring Frost
02. Burnt Umber
03. Celeste
04. Wintergreen
05. Obsidian
06. Blonde
07. Dark Sienna
08. Verdigris
09. Snow
10. Rose Quartz
11. Quicksilver
12. Ultramarine
13. Iris
14. Cinnabar
15. Desert Sand
16. Deep Saffron
17. Cerulean Blue
18. Slow Movement – Sand