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A Certain Ratio present their recording of the ‘LocoLive at Hope Mill Studios’ session, originally a livestream of the band’s sensational 2020 album ‘ACRLoco’.
After a 12-year hiatus releasing albums, ‘ACRLoco’ was created by a confident and revitalisedACR. The band had jumped back into the studioafter their most successful tour in over 20 years torecord ‘ACR Loco’, and in the lead up to therelease, they filmed and recorded this live sessionat the heart of the Manchester music scene - HopeMill Studios. The session featured Maria Uzor ofSink Ya Teeth on vocals and the recorded vocalsof the much-missed Denise Johnson.
“‘ACR Loco’ feels more than anything like acelebration - the long awaited re-arrival of one ofthe best bands to ever bring post-punk to thedancefloor.” - Treble
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ‘ACR:Loco’, aforward-looking genre-defying slice of musicalmajesty.” - Narc
“On their first new album in over a decade,Manchester’s funkiest post-punk band offer animperfect distillation of their 40-year legacy,updating their classic sound with nods tocontemporary beat-driven music and politicalstrife.” - Pop Matters
Available on CD in Eco card packaging.
Friends Around Us (Live at
Hope Mill Studios)
Bouncy Bouncy (Live at
Hope Mill Studios)
Yo Yo Gi (Live at Hope Mill
Supafreak (Live at Hope
Mill Studios)
Always In Love (Live at
Hope Mill Studios)
Family (Live at Hope Mill
Get A Grip (Live at Hope
Mill Studios)
Berlin (Live at Hope Mill
What’s Wrong (Live at
Hope Mill Studios)
Taxi Guy (Live at Hope Mill