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Much of Humanhood is a riveting and real document of what it means to be lost, to be hamstrung by confusion, unease, and grief for a period so long you begin to wonder if there is an end. It is rendered in linear fashion, so that we start alongside Lindeman on the floor and slowly try to peel ourselves from it. Traces of promise emerge slowly across the album. Late in the record, above the near-gamelan rhythm and spiderwebbing guitar that frame the title track, Lindeman goes down to Toronto’s lakeshore and dives in, pulled into the current of reality by the grip of the cold and the sight of cottonwood and vine.
1 Descent
2 Neon Signs
3 Mirror
4 Window
5 Passage
6 Body Moves
7 Ribbon
8 Fleuve
9 Humanhood
10 Irreversible Damage
11 Lonely
12 Aurora
13 Sewing