Various Artists

Cryin' The Blues - Deep Sea Divas

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While Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf or John Lee hooker, say, could all enjoy a
boom in popularity and record sales there were no such rewards for most of the
women.This unique & exciting collection from Jasmine highlights some of the
best, mostly obscure, and now forgotten female talent from the period.
It will delight R&B lovers and more traditional blues fans alike, whilst uncovering a
largely unexplored area of our music and introducing previously unknown artists
like Sandra Grimes, Rose Johnson, Gloria Shannon and Rose Nelson among


Helen Humes (And All Stars) - Be Ba Ba Le Ba Boogie / Numa Lee Davis -
Around The Clock (Part 1) / Numa Lee Davis - Around The Clock (Part 2) / Sheba
Grifn - Mean And Evil Baby / Sheba Grifn - Cherry / Rose Nelson - Take Me Back
Daddy / Rose Nelson - Lonely Girl / Olive Brown - Just A Drag / Gloria Shannon -
Station Blues / Gloria Shannon - Good News Blues / Baby Rosetta - Candy Store
Blues / Madonna Martin - I Ain't The Same Old Fool / Pearl Traylor - The
Pawnshop Man (Three Ball Sam) / Lavoyde Nixon - Brewster Street Blues / Laura
Rucker - Cryin' The Blues / Geneva Vallier - Bow Legged Boogie / Geneva Vallier -
Daybreak Blues / Sandra Grimes - You Didn't Give Me A Chance / Rose Johnson -
Home Work Blues / Tiny Brown - Merry Go Round Blues / Peggy Saunders -
Things Done In The Dark / Clara Sheridan - Another Baby Boy / Clara Sheridan -
My Heart Gets So Heavy / Sister Rock- A- Way - Young Women's Advice / Efe
Smith - Rack 'Em Back