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Sleepmoss', the second album from Meemo Comma a.k.a. Brighton-based producer Lara Rix-Martin, is an adventurous, unusual and very contemporary sonic take on the impact of landscape. It’s a kind of storytelling, inspired by the shifting landscapes of her daily walks with her dog on the South Downs. Discussing her under-the-radar debut album 'Ghost on the Stairs' with Aimee Cliff at The Fader in 2017, she noted how she is “drawn to eerie sounds in my work.” This fascination remains on 'Sleepmoss' but the context has changed from the interior and inwards gaze to a much wider, wilder viewpoint. Lara describes her new record as being “about getting lost in the sumptuous divinity of the dark months in Britain. It is in many ways the opposite reflection of 'Ghost on the Stairs' which was about internal processing of sounds, specifically human speech. The last album was almost an exorcism of issues troubling me but this album is about the glory of solitude and the richness of romance that can be found in nature.”
1. Reaping
2. Night Rain
3. Murmur
4. Tanglewood
5. Winter Sun
6. Amethyst Deceiver
7. Windross
1. Lichen
2. Meadhead
3. Firn
4. Sleepmoss
5. Psithur
1. Reaping
2. Night Rain
3. Murmur
4. Tanglewood
5. Winter Sun
6. Amethyst Deceiver
7. Windross
1. Lichen
2. Meadhead
3. Firn
4. Sleepmoss
5. Psithur