Various Artists

Chillhop Essentials Spring 2021

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Chillhop Music's Essentials series begins year six of its ongoing seasonal releases with Spring 2021. The vibrant instrumental compilation welcomes the warmer weather and the longer days. With a little over an hour's worth of laid-back bounce, the 26 song project features over 40 producers/musicians and comes complete with an immersive landscape, where the Chillhop Raccoon is beginning the day.


Sunrise Hike - Ruck P
Runaway - Blue Wednesday, Magnus Klausen
Traveling - Anbuu
Meadow - iamalex, azula, Dayle
Mt. Elsewhere - Mama Aiuto
Along the Yarra - Stan Forebee
Parksong - Sleepy Fish
Brockoli - Philanthrope, Brock Berrigan, Birocratic, iamalex
Memories - Misha, Screen Jazzmaster
Tall - Hanz, Makzo
Sailing on a Flying Boat - Enzalla
Point in Space and Time - Flawed Mangoes
Rêverie - ØDYSSEE
Sand Castles - Philanthrope, G Mills
Feels - Gustav Gustav
Leitmotiv - C Y G N
Peace. - Chromonicci
Bloom - Aviino
Daffodil - Arbour
Libra - Oatmello, Julien Brunard
Motions - SwuM, Delayde
Bud - Loop Schrauber
Lone Wolf - Comodo
Leafy - illiterate, Julien Brunard
Days Go By - Psalm Trees, Guillaume Muschalle, Julien Brunard
Sunshine - HM Surf