Some bands take their time coming into their own. Such is the case with Wolf Alice, who formed in 2010 but didn't release their debut album until 2015. During those five years, Ellie Rowsell and Joff Oddie -- who were joined by drummer Joel Amey and bassist Theo Ellis in 2012 -- explored styles ranging from folk-rock to gritty post-punk on their singles and EPs. My Love Is Cool reflects this growth and finds them sounding more eclectic than ever. The handful of singles that ended up on the album shows how Wolf Alice have refined their sound: "Fluffy" and "Giant Peach" offer the kind of searing, snarling rock that proves PJ Harvey and Silverfish are still their forebears, while "Moaning Lisa Smile" is both brash and ethereal, providing a bridge for the softer sounds they explore on My Love Is Cool.
1 Turn To Dust
2 Bros
3 Your Loves Whore
4 You're A Germ
5 Lisbon
6 Silk
7 Freazy
8 Giant Peach
9 Swallowtail
10 Soapy Water
11 Fluffy
12 The Wonderwhy