
Wardown II

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Wardown, the emotive and experimental project from Technimatic's Pete Rogers, releases second LP on BlMar Ten Music

Where the debut Wardown album was a diary of smeared memory, musically recounting the author's 
childhood home and his subsequent feelings of dislocation from it, Wardown II expands on the themes of nostalgia and focuses on our collective reactions to a promised future that remains undelivered.

Using aural scraps from that most optimistically futurist period, the 1950s & 1960s, Wardown weaves them 
into an uneasily dreamy, bittersweet commentary on postmodern nostalgia. The album veers between otherworldly, euphoric harmonies and pumping, mechanical incantations of promises for a new age.

"Household robots

110-year lifespan
Continued automation
Genetic control
Man-Machine symbiosis
Wideband communications
Continued urbanisation"

Wardown II is a vision of the future from the past; an artist's attempt to capture the performative, rootless nostalgia that infects our culture, media and art.

A1) Modern Travellers
A2) Stimulus Progression Pattern
A3) Lifespan
B1) The Ideal City
B2) Time Capsule
C1) Graphite & Glitter
C2) Instant Money
C3) Expo
D1) Smultronställe
D2) Continuous Flow
D3) The Computer Knows