The superb Grand Prix is perhaps the truest group effort in the Fannies' catalog -- more than ever before, their democratic approach truly bears fruit, and it's indicative of the disc's uniform excellence that the first Blake composition, the lovely "Mellow Doubt," doesn't even surface until track three, by which time McGinley's "About You" and Love's harmony-rich "Sparky's Dream" have already firmly established the set's ragged-but-right tenor.
A1 About You
A2 Sparky's Dream
A3 Mellow Doubt
A4 Don't Look Back
A5 Verisimilitude
A6 Neil Jung
A7 Tears
B1 Discolite
B2 Say No
B3 Going Places
B4 I'll Make It Clear
B5 I Gotta Know
B6 Hardcore / Ballad