Various Artists

Revolution! Teen Time In Corpus Christi (1965-1970)

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In 1966, famed lead guitarist Rod Prince (later of Bubble Puppy) re-wrote the 13th Floor Elevators' song 'Tried To Hide' as 'All Night Long' and released it with the Bad Seeds as their third single


Four More - It's So Hard / Four More - Don't Give Up Hope / Four More -
Bad Boy / Four More - Problem Child / The Bad Seeds - A Taste Of The Same /
The Bad Seeds - I'm A King Bee / The Bad Seeds - All Night Long / The Liberty Bell
- The Nazz Are Blue / The Liberty Bell - That's How It Will Be / The Liberty Bell -
For What You Lack / The Liberty Bell - Something For Me / The Zakary Thaks -
Passage To India / The Liberty Bell - Reality Is The Only Answer / The Liberty Bell
- Eveline Kaye / The Liberty Bell - Recognition / Kubla Khan - Revolution / Kubla
Khan - Bad Side Of The Moon / The Zakary Thaks - Face To Face / The Liberty
Bell - I Can See / The Liberty Bell - Reality Is The Only Answer / The Liberty Bell -
Thoughts And Visions / The Buckle - I've Got Something On My Mind / Michael &
The Zakary Thaks - People Sec. IV / Michael & The Zakary Thaks - I'm Nobody's
Man / Michael & The Zakary Thaks - My Last Day / Michael & The Zakary Thaks -
Gotta Make My Heart Turn Away / The Bad Seeds - Sick And Tired / The Bad
Seeds - Zilch Part One