Tubby Hayes

Quartet in Scandinavia

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The three Scandinavians provided the visiting English soloist with ideal support
and were obviously familiar with Hayes's music. He wrote "Off The Wagon" in
1967, it is wholly typical of his writing and playing, engendering a totally relaxed

Tubby's work was always within the mainstream of jazz development and he
could often include tunes such as Monk's Rhythm- A- Ning in his programme.
There were some critics who found his high-speed note playing difcult but like
Art Tatum, this was a feature of Hayes' natural form of expression. Listen to his
beautiful reading of Jimmy Van Heusen's "Thought About You" and you will hear
ballad tenor of the very highest order


Off the Wagon 
Without A Song 
Vierd Blues 
I Thought About You 
C Minor Bird 