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Classic madness and violence! Death Metal history, the ultimate edition! Death Strike need little introduction to anyone who would consider themselves seasoned in the realm of Death Metal, the legendary Paul Speckmann’s debut foray into the genre has garnered pretty much cult status now as a genre classic and not without good reason. This reissue of 1991 album compiles the debut demo from ‘85 together with four other tracks for the rather aptly titled “Fuckin’ Death”, and being brutally honest, could you possibly have a more suitable description for the sensory annihilation present on these recordings? It’s that fact that half this material was recorded back in the mid-eighties that really makes it stand out, Death Metal was still in its infantile stages back then with extreme metal making a transition between the Crust influenced filth of Hellhammer and the ilk to a more brutal strain with bands like Possessed and Slaughter emerging out of the underground with a significantly more potent and brutal form of metal unlike anything heard before, and when you realize it came out at the same time as two monumental releases by the aforementioned bands you wonder why the fuck it never got quite as much attention as it was just as influential if not more so than those classics.
Disc: 1
1. The Truth
2. Mangled Dehumanization
3. Pay to Die
4. Re-entry and Destruction
5. The Final Conflict
6. Man Killed America / Embryonic Misc
7. Pervert
8. Remorseless Poison
9. Live for Free
10. The Truth
11. Pay to Die
12. Master
Disc: 2
1. The Truth
2. Mangled Dehumanization
3. Terrorizer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. The Final Conflict
6. Unknown Soldier
7. Re-entry and Destruction
8. Cut Thru the Filth
9. Drum Solo
10. Remorseless Poison
11. Pay to Die
12. Children of the Grave