Fucked Up

Hidden World

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Limited LP : Indies Exclusive Magenta Coloured Vinyl

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Hidden World, the band's frst full length studio album, marks a turning point for
the mysterious Toronto band, transcending the boundaries of punk with melody,
aggression, expansive structures and enigmatic diatribes on what lies underneath
the immediate, visualized World. FUCKED UP combine confrontational ideologies
with deliberate misinformation to produce a brutal analysis on thought
provocative punk. In a word, FUCKED UP and Hidden World is dangerous and
unpredictable in a time when punk has become a manufactured commodity.


David Comes to Life 
Invisible Leader 
Carried Out to The Sea 
Baiting The Public 
Fate of Fates 
The Two Snakes 
Hidden World 
Manqueller Man 
Blaze of Glory 
Triumph of Life 
Jacobs Ladder / Vivian Girls