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Covered In Black is a highly melodic affair, it is also challenging. Dealing with, and dedicated to, people in dark places, this albums has a dark and complex edge to it.

Allowing ourselves to dig deeper into our collective pool of musical experiences and knowledge, the inspirations come from far across the spectrum. Ranging from classical chamber music, seventies prog and extending to thrash, with very eastern influences popping up,this is an album that is best heard as one piece, even if the individual tracks can stand on their own. Is it a concept album? No. But it is a theme album. About people in dark places.

From psychopaths, assassins to the more modern topics of being at the receiving end of what is bad about social media. Topics of lifelong failure and revenge are touched upon. The ten-song-long album has two suites, both consisting of three songs. One has the songs spread here and there on the album, while the other is connected as one long piece if you wish to listen to it that way. Wonderfully old-fashioned and just the way we like it.

  1. Psychotopia
  2. The New Delhi Assassination
  3. The Combat
  4. Too Much Time
  5. A Journey To Nowhere
  6. Black
  7. Blacker
  8. Blackest
  9. Operation Cairo
  10. From Afar